Artbook, Comic Book and Deluxe Edition | Blog | Superflous Returnz

Artbook, Comic Book and Deluxe Edition | Blog | Superflous Returnz Artbook, Comic Book and Deluxe Edition | Blog | Superflous Returnz
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Superfluous and his assistant Sophie


Artbook, Comic Book and Deluxe Edition


Today sees the release of two new books: the game's artbook and the English translation of the comic book!

Superfluous Returnz Artbook

I've been working on it for several weeks now, and it's finally finished: the Superfluous Riteurnz Artbook!

You'll find every location, every character, every cutscene, every animation detailed frame by frame, and much more. All with my commentary, in English and French!

This book is available:

Superfluous, the Comic Book

This was another job I'd been wanting to do for a long time: translating the French comic book Les aventures inutiles de Superflu into English.

The translation is called The Unnecessary Adventures of Superfluous, and you can see it as a sort of “prequel” to the game: how Harpagon Lonion became Superfluous, how Sophie came to work for him, etc.

You don't have to read it to understand the game, but it's a nice bonus.

This book is available:

Superfluous Returnz Deluxe

Don't get carried away: there's nothing new in the game!

This “Deluxe” edition is simply a Steam bundle that contains:

  • the video game Superfluous Returnz;
  • the “Artbook & Comic Book” DLC;
  • the “Soundtrack” DLC.

In short, everything you can buy on Steam, with a small 10% discount.

See you soon for new adventures!
