The basics of a cross-platform game | Blog | Superflous Returnz

The basics of a cross-platform game | Blog | Superflous Returnz The basics of a cross-platform game | Blog | Superflous Returnz
  • Steam
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Flathub
  • Google Play
Superfluous and his assistant Sophie


The basics of a cross-platform game


From the start of the game's development, it seemed obvious to me that it had to be cross-platform: it had to run at least on Gnunux (makes sense, this is the OS I use), on Windows (the most popular OS on desktop / laptop) and on Android (the most popular OS on tablets and phones). Derivatives like LineageOS are included in “Android”. Also, I wanted to make a web port to be able to play it directly in the browser.

I will now explain to you how I managed to create these different versions using the same code base as much as possible (apart from a few adaptations, I'll come back to this).

This making-of will the first of several: this article is an introduction, I will then write a specific article for Android porting, for asset management, cross-compilation, etc.

Prerequisites & tools

Well, that may sound obvious, but to make a cross-platform game, it is better to use tools that are themselves cross-platform … In our case:

  • the C++ language is quite widely supported by a whole bunch of platforms. For Android (which natively uses a language based on Java), the NDK allows you to develop applications in C ++, and for the web version, it is Emscripten which will translate our C ++ code into a JavaScript applet.
  • the libraries used: the standard C ++ library (STL) of course, but also the SDL 2.0 (also ported to Android and Emscripten) and, for reading files, the Libyaml (a relatively simple and independent C library) . The latter is not directly ported to Android and Emscripten, but we will see that it is relatively easy to do.
  • for the compilation itself, I rely largely on CMake, which allows me to efficiently manage the native compilers of each platform as well as the dependencies. The exception is Android, for which I use Gradle, the usual Android build system: note that Android is quite special at this level, because it is not “just” a compilation but a complete packaging of the software (= we produce the APK which will be used to install it on your phone / tablet).

CMake, preprocessor & constexpr

As I said in the intro, we are going to make sure that the code base remains as much as possible the same (avoiding as much as possible having sections of code dedicated to Android, Windows, etc.), but each platform having specificities, we will still have to manage these specificities. Let's distinguish three phases.

First, the configuration: this is the moment when we manage dependencies with CMake (or gradle), where we choose the way in which the software will be organized (in which directories the data goes, the executable, etc.) . All this varies quite a bit depending on the platform, and CMake allows you to make specific rules depending on the case, for example, to detect if you are on Gnunux:

   ## config specialized for Gnunux
   ## config specialized for Windows

(Yes, for some reason CMake calls Gnunux “Linux”, strange isn't it?)

Here, for example, we can tell Gnunux to install the executable in /usr/local/bin (or/usr/local/games, I'll come back to that …) and Windows to put it in C:\Program Files\My_game.

Then comes the compilation phase: we create the executable for the desired platform (an .exe file on Windows, a file without extension on Gnunux).

Here, each system is gentle enough to define C++ macros to indicate that we are on that system. As it is a bit of a mess (you can always dream of a standardized naming), I make myself a small platform.h file to have constants with a uniform name:

namespace Sosage::Config

#if defined(__ANDROID__)
constexpr bool android = true;
constexpr bool mac = false;
constexpr bool windows = false;
constexpr bool gnunux = false;
constexpr bool emscripten = false;

#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#define SOSAGE_MAC
constexpr bool android = false;
constexpr bool mac = true;
constexpr bool windows = false;
constexpr bool gnunux = false;
constexpr bool emscripten = false;

#elif defined(_WIN32)
constexpr bool android = false;
constexpr bool mac = false;
constexpr bool windows = true;
constexpr bool gnunux = false;
constexpr bool emscripten = false;

#elif defined(__linux__)
constexpr bool android = false;
constexpr bool mac = false;
constexpr bool windows = false;
constexpr bool gnunux = true;
constexpr bool emscripten = false;

#elif defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
constexpr bool android = false;
constexpr bool mac = false;
constexpr bool windows = false;
constexpr bool gnunux = false;
constexpr bool emscripten = true;


} // namespace Sosage::Config

(Yes, I also planned a possible port on Mac, same, I will come back to that.)

Note that here, I used two features of C++: the preprocessor via commands of type #define SOSAGE_GNUNUX, and theconstexpr like constexpr bool gnunux = true. These are two ways of defining things at compile time (not at runtime), with constexpr being sort of the “modern” way (since C++11) while directives from preprocessors are inherited from C. The two are complementary: the constexpr allow to write a clear code which is exactly the same code as that executed … at runtime (with similar compilation errors), but they do not allow some things like disabling entire functions.

For example, if I want to handle the fact that the directory separator character is / on all systems except on Windows which uses \, I can write it the “old-fashioned” way with a directive of preprocessor:

char folder_separator = '\\'; // yes, it has to be escaped, so we write \\ and not only \
char folder_separator = '/';

But it's much more readable if I write it with a constexpr:

constexpr char folder_separator = (Config::windows ? '\\' : '/');

In this case, since Config ::window is a constexpr, the condition is only evaluated once at compile time (and not at each execution).

In both cases, if I then want to access a directory without worrying about the platform, I just have to do:

std::string folder = "folder1" + folder_separator + "subfolder1";

Small subtlety: I took care to test if the platform was Android first. Indeed, Android being based on Gnunux, the system also defines the macro _linux_: if we therefore want to distinguish Android from a basic Gnunux, we must first test whether we are on Android, and in the if you are not, test if you are on Gnunux.

Finally, the last step is execution: at this level, we should normally no longer have any code that is specific to a platform. Indeed, the generated executable can only be used on a platform: it is useless for a Windows executable to contain instructions and algorithms dedicated to Android, since these tools will then never be used (and will therefore only unnecessarily inflate the executable size). Hence the idea of doing everything either at configuration or at compilation!


So, we have prepared a clean environment to be able to develop both a common code base AND manage the specific cases necessary to each platform.

Small details on the ports: a priori, the game is compatible with Mac OS. However, it doesn't seem possible to generate a Mac OS executable without owning a Mac, which is of course not my case (and I don't really want to buy one, to be honest). As the saying goes: “if it's not tested, it's broken”, so I doubt the game will work on Mac since I have never tested it, but theoretically nothing should prevent it.

For Windows, there are cross-compilation tools (I will come back to this in a dedicated article), so I was able to sort it out.

One last point: the SDL has also been ported to Nintendo Switch, and I admit that I would really enjoy porting the game to this console! There, however, the barrier is more administrative than technical: Nintendo's SDK is private, and you have to make a request to access it. Needless to say that an independent game embryo like mine has no chance of accessing it. On the other hand, I may try my luck when the game is done and released 🙂
