The game is now available in Italian! | Blog | Superflous Returnz

The game is now available in Italian! | Blog | Superflous Returnz The game is now available in Italian! | Blog | Superflous Returnz
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Superfluous and his assistant Sophie


The game is now available in Italian!


I'm proud to announce that Superfluous Returnz is now available in Italian, under the name Superfluo Ritorns! As the game is set in a small French village, I think it's great that it's been translated into another European language, and I hope that players in Italy will appreciate the familiar atmosphere :)

A huge thank you to Miranda “Miri” Clarke who spontaneously offered to translate the game, which is no mean feat (over 2300 lines of dialogue, after all).

The website won't be translated into Italian (except perhaps the home page), as I'm not in a position to translate blog posts myself (and it would be too complicated to rely on someone else).
