Le Blues de la station service (Gas Station Blues) | Blog | Superflous Returnz

Le Blues de la station service (Gas Station Blues) | Blog | Superflous Returnz Le Blues de la station service (Gas Station Blues) | Blog | Superflous Returnz
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Superfluous and his assistant Sophie


Le Blues de la station service (Gas Station Blues)


Having almost finished the game's graphics (apart from a few cinematics), I'm in the middle of recording the music. So I thought I'd show you one, like that, as a little extra teaser.

Humorous game, melancholic music

One thing that struck me when listening to the music I composed, is that many are not “fun”, they do not feel like comedy in any case.

I must say that even if the game is humorous and the graphics are very shimmering, the story takes place in a small village lost in the deep French countryside ... and that, in a way, when you're walking around these large places that feel a bit abandoned, a bit forgotten, well it's mainly melancholy that comes out of it.

Gas station

The example that I give you today is the music that plays in the location of the Fochougny gas station: a place that is not really glamorous, with its rickety bus stop and this strange bearded man boozing on his bench ...

I called this song Le Blues de la station service (“Gas Station Blues”), the word “blues” being to be taken in the sense of “depression” and not as the musical style. In addition to the little melody that is specific to this music, you may recognize, in the middle of the piece, the main theme of Superfluous that I had already presented, in a however very different arrangement ...
